
Rayse the Game

Motivational Study Skills Seminar

Do you need an outside voice to lift and motivate your students?

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Motivate your Students

The Problem

Here’s the truth: today’s teens are more anxious. Recent reports suggest that anxiety levels in Gen Z students have gone up by 113% in the last two years.

The pandemic has taken its toll. Have your students fallen behind? Do they lack basic study skills? Do they lack that inner fire? Are they struggling to motivate themselves? Do they lack resilience? Do they tend to give up quicker and in many cases require teachers to ‘spoon feed’?

This generation, known as Gen Z, needs something different.

This is why you need RAYSE THE GAME.


The Solution

Demotivation just met its match: RAYSE THE GAME. Every day, parents and teachers tell me they want their children and students to be more engaged, take more of an interest in their schoolwork and that stress is a normal part of life.

  • How can I get them to be more motivated?
  • How do I get them off the phone?
  • How can I get them to see that what they do in school is important.
  • They are so quiet and flat in class.

This is why you need an outside voice to lift and motivate your students!

What we'll cover

Mindset and Motivation

According to Dr William Stixrud and Ned Johnson in their acclaimed bestseller The Thriving Child, “a low sense of control is enormously stressful, and that autonomy is key to developing motivation.” This philosophy, called Self-Determination Theory, is at the heart of the RAYSE THE GAME programme. Each seminar contains:

  • Motivational mantras
  • Strategies to create small wins
  • Growth mindset philosophy to nurture drive
Motivation and Mindset
Study Plan

Study Plan

One of the keys to exam and school success is to have a study plan. We call our study plan the Game Plan and this sets out exactly our goals and what a student needs to do to achieve success rapidly and concisely. This will ensure your teen has:

  • Clear goals and targets
  • Be more focused and driven
  • Created a timeline to help them look at the big picture beyond school, which helps create motivation and drive
  • Be more organised and future orientated

30-Minute Study Sprint

Here, students will learn how to do a 30-minute study sprint. This will have a big impact on their ability to overcome procrastination and overwhelm by being able to break subjects down into small, manageable chunks. Here, your teen will learn the following:

  • Why 30 minutes is so powerful in terms of productivity
  • My exact formula on how to rip through a topic in less than 30-minutes
  • How to speed read and pick out key information and decipher what is important versus what is not important
  • Why annotating is more powerful than highlighting
  • To save hours of wasted time writing out notes and be able to create my powerful 1-page summaries called WHIZGRIDZ
  • How to organise each subject by focusing on hot topics
  • My study success formula for exam success
30-Minute Study Sprint
Time and Productivity

Time and Productivity

Most students do not know how to organise themselves in terms of their materials and time. Many sit in their room for hours and don’t know how to make this time count. They might be working hard but they are not getting the payoff in terms of exam results for the amount of time invested. In this part of the programme, your teen will learn:

  • Key organisation skills and how to organise their materials, space and time
  • How long you should spend on homework versus study
  • How to time block and be more efficient with their time so busy students will be less stressed and more confident coming up to exams
  • My morning routine so they can get up early and start achieving quickly

Anxiety Tool-Kit

1 in 3 teenagers today has some form of anxiety disorder. 67% of young people get very anxious around exam time and this can inhibit exam performance. In this section, each student will learn my powerful 3-Second Turnaround Technique to manage their thinking and anxiety more effectively, resulting in a calmer mind and a more confident student.

Anxiety Tool-Kit

What makes Rayse the Game different:

  1. We specialise in GROUP EVENTS taking full year groups
  2. We combine education and education to create EDUTAINMENT
  3. Students love our HIGH ENERGY approach featuring music, videos, games and energisers.
Study Plan

Book a Rayse the Game programme and get two additional bonus programmes

Bonus 1

Parent Pep Talk – how to ‘rayse’ resilient teens

Parent Pep Talk – how to ‘rayse’ resilient teens

Bonus 2

Teacher Team Talk

Teacher Team Talk

2024 Seminars Fully Booked!

Thank you for your interest! My 2024 seminars are fully booked. To join the waiting list for 2025, please leave your details below. I look forward to potentially welcoming you at my next events!
