Rayse the Game Blog

  • Help your teen be calm before the mocks

    As we speak Storm Isha is raging. With winds gusting up to 150kmh Ireland has been battered. As I write I have no electricity. I am powerless. Many students feel they are about to be battered right now also. Many also feel powerless. With the mocks rapidly approaching the storm clouds are on the horizon.

  • His mom gave him the day off school

    My blood is boiling. If you are a parent you could be saying what’s the problem? You might even be saying the title of this article is provocative. Maybe it is? The problem is this: You are creating a monster. You are creating an entitled teenager. We are creating a generation of people who feel…

  • Four words your teen needs to hear to kick start the new school year

    As the new term starts in January, many students and parents feel a sense of dread. Let’s break down what’s happening: Mock Exams: They’re just around the corner. Reluctance to Return: Many students don’t want to go back to school. Dislike for School: Some students just don’t like school. One of my 5th year students said she preferred…

  • Kicking Off 2024 with a clear vision – motivating teens for success

    The main thing Lack of focus and decision fatigue are big problems today. Consider this: We’re in a world of excessive choice and pressure to be perfect, as pushed by social media: having 6 pack abs, pearly white teeth, and top grades. But, we know reality is different. When struggling with focus, I turn to…

  • Advice for parents of stressed out leaving certs

    In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a parent who is stressed about her daughter who is sitting the Leaving Cert this year. She is concerned about the points going up and that her daughter needs to make a 90 point jump from her 5th year results to get her dream course.

  • For parents of a child with a learning difficulty

    Last week, I had to pleasure of doing a 1-2-1 coaching session Donal (pseudo-name). Donal is 16-years old and is doing his Leaving Certificate this year. He also has a learning difference called Dyspraxia. According to the Oxford dictionary, Dyspraxia is a ‘developmental disorder causing difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement’. Others refer to…

  • Student who increased by 200 points

    This is Cassandra. Her story is remarkable. When I met her she was stressed and unhappy. She had just done her Leaving Cert Mock Exams and she was under a lot of pressure. She asked me if I thought it was possible if a student could go up by 200 points. I told her of…

  • How to Raise Successful People

    This week, I have been reading How to Raise Successful People by Esther Wojicicki (pronounced Wojiskey) who is a famous Stanford University professor and she shares some old-school wisdom on her experiences both at home and in the classroom of how to nurture and develop young people. ​You can watch my Facebook Live video by…